The reality of digital citizenship according to university youth under Egypt's vision 2030:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Higher Institute of Media and Communication Arts


      The study aims to determine the reality of digital citizenship among the university youth under Egypt’s Vision 2030, by determining the usage rates of digital devices and modern technologies by university youth, their preferred digital applications to learn about Egypt’s Vision 2030, the extent of their trust in it, the resulting effect of this usage on their perception of digital citizenship, the reality of digital citizenship among the youth in terms of digital access, digital communication, digital commerce, digital security “self-protection”, digital literacy “digital culture”, digital fitness “digital Etiquette”, digital Laws, digital rights and responsibilities, digital Health and Safety.      The study has relied on the quantitative survey method; it has used the online questionnaire form to collect the required data applying to an intentional sample of 400 individuals of university youth who use digital devices and modern technologies to learn about Egypt's vision 2030 from different economic and social levels. The study has been based on the Social Responsibility Theory.  The main results:1.   The vast majority of university youth use digital devices and modern technologies permanently to learn about Egypt’s Vision 2030 by (51%), they expose to the "Facebook" at the first place to learn about Egypt’s Vision 2030 by (96.5%) and the majority of them trust in the information provided by digital device applications and modern technologies about Egypt’s Vision 2030 to a certain degree by (74.3%).2.   The majority of university youth see that the coverage of digital devices applications and modern technologies for Egypt’s 2030 vision has a high quality by (64.5%), and determine the digital citizenship as “a set of rules, controls, standards, norms, ideas and principles used in the optimum use of technology by (83%).3.   About the characteristics of the digital citizen, the youth see that the digital citizen “respects cultures and societies in the digital environment” and “protects oneself from corrupt beliefs that are circulated through technological media” by (81.8%) for each.4.   there is a statistically significant relationship between the university youth usage rates of digital devices and modern technologies to know about Egypt’s Vision 2030 and the reality of their digital citizenship in terms of (access, digital access, digital communication, digital commerce, digital security “self-protection”, digital literacy “digital culture”, digital fitness “digital etiquette”, digital laws, digital rights and responsibilities, as well as digital health and safety).
