The relationship between modern technological developments and the level of future professional anxiety among students of educational media and school media specialists

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Menoufia University


The current study aims to reveal the relationship between modern technological developments and the level of future professional anxiety among students of educational media and media specialists in schools. Modern technological developments, and the professional future anxiety scale, and the study sample consisted of (400) subjects, Divided into (200) students of the fourth year in the Department of Educational Media at the Faculty of Specific Education, Menoufia University, and (200) educational media specialists in Menoufia Governorate (Ashmoun-Al-Bagour-Menouf-Al-Shuhada). The study: There is a negative and statistically significant correlation between the degrees of the research sample in the scale of modern technological developments and the negative outlook towards the professional future (pessimism), and the results indicated that there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between the scores of the research sample in the scale of modern technological developments and the positive outlook towards the professional future. (optimism), The results also indicated that there was a statistically significant difference at the 0.01 level between the mean scores of the research sample due to the difference in the job, in favor of the specialists with regard to the positive outlook towards the professional future (optimism). Significance for the scale of modern technological developments attributed to the job variable.
