Types of linguistic hybridization on social media sites... based on Dual Coding Theory

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Radio and Television, International Higher Institute of Media - Al-Shorouk Academy


This study aimed to identify the patterns of linguistic hybridization on social networking sites through the application of Facebook, through a qualitative study. To determine the pattern of linguistic hybridization in their conversations, as well as the justifications and motives for this hybridization, using the theory of dual linguistic coding. The study reached several results, the most important of which are:
1-The high rate of hybridization of Arabic into English
2- The high rate of hybridization of languages ​​with arithmetic letters
3- The high rate of hybridization of languages ​​with emojis and abbreviations
4- The sample members determined that the justifications for this hybridization are due to the ease of dealing with Franco and the speed of performance using modern technological devices, as well as to avoid boredom and the inability of the Arabic language to express feelings and feelings.                                  
5- There are positive attitudes of the sample members towards the use of the Franco language and negative attitudes towards the use of the Arabic language.
6- There are no differences between the members of the sample in the patterns and rates of crossbreeding according to gender or socioeconomic level.
