TV programs on satellite channels address the culture of political difference and its impact on achieving political reform

Document Type : Original Article


PhD researcher, and media monitor at the Council of Ministers Information and Decision Support Center


The study focuses on analyzing the role of television programs broadcast on satellite channels in achieving political development within the framework of achieving the state’s development strategy 2030 by identifying the manifestations of political difference between government forces, political opposition forces and popular movements in discussing the political issues of the Egyptian state, in light of the adoption of Egyptian society. With its senior leadership, as well as experts, specialists and ordinary individuals who are hosted on television programs for a positive culture of political difference, this is a major step in the path of political reform.
The political structure with all its components exerts a great influence on the communicative process, and the media is an integral part of the responsibilities of political systems, and Egypt’s Vision 2030 focuses on improving the quality of life of the Egyptian citizen and improving its standard of living in various aspects of life, including consolidating the principles of justice and social integration and the participation of all Citizens in political and social life, and the achievement of high economic growth, and that the difference between generations is a difference in opinions between one generation and another with regard to beliefs or values, whether cultural, political, economic and other, and the essence of the political dispute is the dispute between two or more parties over power and right, and the dispute is resolved The political system is constitutional, legal and peaceful, that is, through dialogue.
Television programs are one of the media and communication platforms that influence the formation of the awareness of the Egyptian public of different age groups, quality, social, economic and others. Television programs have also benefited from social networking sites to achieve more spread and influence, and the trend of television programs and their presenters to establish pages on social networking sites and express their orientations.
political interaction, urging the public to engage in political interaction, and not a short time later, government institutions headed towards establishing pages for them on social networking sites in addition to their websites, realizing that they are a platform for expressing the state’s political orientation and development strategies.
