The societal impact of employing artificial intelligence techniques in traditional and modern media: a second-level

Document Type : Original Article


1 Media Adviser to the United Nations in New York

2 Member of the Technical Office of the Economic Adviser at the Egyptian Council of Ministers


The study aimed to identify the Arab and foreign heritage related to artificial intelligence and its applications and employment in the media field, and the high impact of artificial intelligence on the structure of media work, especially press institutions, was proven.
Artificial intelligence represents a major development in the media work environment for its ability to overcome the basic problems facing contemporary journalism as well as various media, combat fake news, edit news according to editorial policy, as well as customize content, as it has proven its effectiveness in the field of digital marketing that interacts with individuals and anticipates their future behavior in The commercial field as well as in developing the form of presenting media messages through television programs as well as on the pages of social networking sites.
The field of artificial intelligence employment doesn’t depend on the media issue only, but its social impact extended to employing it in various areas of life, including the security, medical and economic fields.
 Machines are an alternative to humans, but artificial intelligence techniques provoke some reactions that refuse to penetrate individuals’ privacy and employ their personal data within the huge data packets that artificial intelligence depends on, and the possibilities of lack of balance and bias in decisions in the areas of applications, credit, and artificial intelligence in the field Reality and quantitative representation of the data that is relied upon in making decisions, so the state has moved towards preparing government policies regarding artificial intelligence and emphasizing the importance of developing the qualified human element to deal with modern technological changes.
