The International and Arab Legislations Regulating Using Drones in Media videography and photojournalism and their Violations as Monitored by the Discourse of American and British Newspaper websites

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Menoufia University


The study aims at studying legislations of international and Arab countries regulation of using drones for commercial purposes especially in media videography and photojournalism
The study aims at discussing the Violations of media mans and journalists using drones as Monitored by the discourse of a sample of American and British Newspaper websites
The sample of legislations of international and Arab countries are the legislations regulating using drones in media videography and photojournalism in United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, Spain, France, The Egyptian Arabic Republic, The United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Tunisian, Bahrain
The study analysis the discourse of the samples of American and British Newspaper websites
The samples of American and British newspaper websites are:  The New York Times, USA Today, New York Post
The Guardian, Daily Mail, Independent
