Artificial intelligence techniques and their implications for the media content of foreign newspaper sites

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor of Journalism at Al Jazeera Higher Institute for Media and Communication Sciences


This study  aims to discovering  reflections of artificial intelligence techniques on  the media content in  the foreign newspapers websites    
 It depended on the media richness theory , and the  two researchers used content analysis tool and survey method.
By analyzing the form and content of foreign newspaper websites such as The Washington post, The Wall street journal, The New York Times, The Guardian.
It is clear that the use of the chosen study sample of  foreign newspaper sites for some artificial intelligence techniques in presenting their media content ,which made them equal in the degree of their media richness ,although  each newspaper used artificial intelligence techniques in different ways.
The chosen foreign newspapers  websites used some techniques of artificial intelligence like virtual reality ,Augmented reality , Robot  journalist , chat bot, Wildfire Tracker ,prospective API ,Anti deep fake vide and  Digital visual forensic.
Also the chosen study sample used the techniques of digital revolution  like "  live videos, podcasts, learning network and  live chat .
