Media education as a mechanism to enable university students to face fifth generation wars and achieving human security

Document Type : Original Article


 Instructor, Department of Fundamentals of Education, Faculty of Graduate Studies of Education, Cairo University


The current research aims to enable university students with media education, to confront the fifth generation wars, and to achieve human security, In order to achieve the objectives of the research, Available sample has been selected (578) male and female students from the first university level (bachelor’s), and the postgraduate level, who are studying at Cairo University during the second semester of the academic year (2021-2022), from the study population is (207853) male and female students. The current research used the case study method, using three research tools: questionnaire, attitude test, and interview. The results of the study revealed the weak interest of the university and faculty members in spreading the culture of media education inside the university campus, which led to the weakness of university students’ possession of media education skills. Which resulted in their weak awareness of practicing these skills with the fifth generation wars extended through the new media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), which affected the achievement of human security in its various political, economic, social and cultural dimensions, Based on the foregoing, a proposed vision has been developed to achieve the objectives of the current research based on Preparing the faculty/assisting staff, and setting up a set of new roles for the university represented in its administration, student activities, academic courses, and teaching methods. To spread the culture of media education within the university campus, and to empower university students with it and its skills, in order to practice it to confront the fifth-generation wars based on beliefs, trends, values and ideas, and achieve the security of the human society politically, economically, socially and culturally. The most important recommendations of the current research can be highlighted in the following:

The university adopts a philosophy based on spreading the culture of media education, through: seminars, conferences, student activities, and university competitions.
Develop a strategy to achieve the university's philosophy based on spreading the culture of media education among students and faculty members.
Increasing the faculty member's interest in community issues and problems presented in the media and discussing them with his students and urging them to find solutions to its.
Intensifying programs and training courses among students to develop a culture of media education.
Develop students’ skills in dealing with the contents of media messages for new media, and enable them to master those skills in dealing with information and ideas wars or fifth generation wars.
Using and diversifying modern teaching methods such as cooperative learning, active learning, and others; It allows dialogue and discussion between faculty members and students, and develops their creative and critical thinking.

