Features and characteristics of the media handling of the Corona pandemic Al-Ittihad newspaper, UAE And its role in supporting public health during crises

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Mass Communication - Abu Dhabi University previously


This study aimed to identify the characteristics of the media handling of the Corona pandemic in the Emirati newspaper Al-Ittihad and its role in supporting public health during crises.
The results of the study showed that "The News" was the most used newspaper art (92.77%).
The results also showed that “an official source in the Ministry of Health” came first with a percentage of 37.86% among the sources of information that the newspaper relied on, and the study concluded that health issues came first (26.15%), then social (26.00%), then economic (25.84%).
The study concluded that the preventive awareness goals were (84.10%), followed by the therapeutic awareness (15.90%), and the propaganda goals did not appear, as the health authorities did not seek to advertise a specific type of vaccines.
The study concluded that the “reassuring solicitation” came by 100% and was quoting statements by senior officials in the state, and official spokespeople in the authorities concerned with confronting the crisis, as well as in the statements and media briefings issued by these parties, and the “intimidating solicitations” did not appear.
The positive features came at the forefront of the features used in the topics of the Corona crisis, with a rate of 81.50%. They were represented in the cases of recovery that were announced daily by the Ministry of Health, as well as the state's rapid access to medicines and vaccines, and the vaccination of most members of society in record time. The negative features came by 18.50%, and were represented in cases of infection, deaths, and the emergence of mutated strains of Corona virus and curfe
The newspaper dealt with the three main frameworks for managing the Corona crisis, which are the pre-crisis phase, the phase of dealing with the crisis, and the post-crisis phase.
The newspaper adhered to the state's media strategy, one of its most important directions is to strengthen the state's position regionally and internationally.
In the face of what may be published by social media of false news, the newspaper was keen to provide the public with correct news from its original sources from the responsible authorities in the state.
