Employing digital platforms to promote the new societal values

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor - Department of Radio and Television - Faculty of Media and Communication Technology - Suez University


The current study dealt with the societal values ​​that are published through the films presented in Arabic presented on the Netflix platform, and the researcher has identified a set of indicators through which the positive and negative societal values ​​are determined, and the study was concerned with determining to what degree these values ​​are approaching or moving away On the customs, traditions, values ​​and norms of the Egyptian society and the appropriateness of the dramatic characters of the Egyptian and Arab character that bear the traits of the original Egyptian character that are useful in society.The study was based on the social cognitive theory in the qualitative analysis of the societal values ​​presented by Arab films through the Netflix platform, in order to monitor the extent to which these values ​​agree or differ with the social and religious values ​​of the Egyptian society. The recipient of a value or idea that he did not believe in before, and the study sample was a group of Arab films broadcast on the Netflix platform from January 2022 to February 20222.The study used the quantitative qualitative analysis method, by collecting the scientific material in a quantitative way and analyzing it in a qualitative way, and the results of the study indicated a high percentage of negative values, which amounted to 88.6%, compared to the percentage of positive values, which amounted to 40%, and the study observed that the most prominent negative values ​​were represented in (infidelity). , Homosexuality)The results of the qualitative analysis concluded that the Arab films presented on the Netflix platform presented negative societal values ​​rather than positive ones, and the danger is that these values ​​contradict the system of values, customs and traditions, and the religious approach that digital platforms began targeting to combat largely through the destructive ideas they present in Dramatic content or open media content without the presence of oversight bodies, and the result is the secretion of a set of strange values ​​introduced to Arab societies, which are not commensurate with the religious and societal values ​​on which Arab societies are based.
