Employing artificial intelligence applications in advertising departments on Egyptian websites and their economic impacts

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


The term artificial intelligence (AI) refers to systems or devices that simulate human intelligence to perform tasks and that can improve themselves based on the information they collect, and it is expected that this will change many aspects of life and different work environments.
AI technology has become an important pillar for achieving innovation by improving the performance and productivity of organizations as it understands and analyzes data on a large scale, in addition to many other advantages. This benefits the different work environments, including, of course, the media and press institutions.
In light of the foregoing, as well as the novelty of this experience in our Arab societies, this study seeks to explore the nature of the use of artificial intelligence technology and its various applications in advertising departments on Egyptian websites, through the application of a standardized interview form on a deliberate sample of 20 persons from those in charge of advertising departments on Egyptian websites and digital media experts.
The study concluded that artificial intelligence applications were not used in advertising departments on Egyptian websites - with the exception of an initial experience for Cairo 24 - due to poor funding, absence of investment thought and lack of trained competencies, but the results reflected the presence of positive trends towards applications of artificial intelligence and realizing their positive effects on the advertising process.
