Laws and legislation governing information security protection:

Document Type : Original Article


Adviser to the State Council. PhD in Law - Cairo University


The truth is not below doubt that the theme of information security is particularly important in our current time, which is safe by the Egyptian legislator in the 19th Constitution, through article 31, providing that: "Information space security is an essential part of The national economy and security system, and the State is committed to taking the necessary measures to preserve it, as governed by law. "
However, the events we know best witness that the media is part and a tool for the national security of national security. Which raised our attention to the study of legislation and governing laws to protect information security, to seek information security, information and national security, and to ensure different legislation and laws and laws for information security at all levels, enough to mention the impact of information security in media security and national security and economic and social security Waiting: How did information security contribute to the protection of national security?
It should be noted that the basic objective of information security is to protect state assets for State and government institutions and individuals aimed at an illegal use of their resources, or the creation of its structure or content. To protect the security of Arab information, and also Western, the sooner the need, and finally we review and suggest the role of state and control devices in reducing the phenomenon of prejudice to the protection of information security in accordance with Egypt's 2020-2030 vision on sustainable development.
