Dependence of university youth on government news related to reform issues through digital media and its relationship to their perceptions of these issues

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor at the Faculty of Mass Communication at Misr University for Science and Technology


The problem of the study is to determine how university youth depending on digital media platforms, which vary between websites belonging to these government institutions and their pages through social networking sites, (Facebook, YouTube and others), in following up and knowing government news related to reform issues and including the development strategy of the state.
"Vision 2030", and the factors of its marketing effectiveness, which are divided between factors related to the mechanisms of news dissemination and their marketing strategies for news, and factors related to the formulation of news content and forms of news presentation, which in turn leads to revealing the perceptions of university youth following up on these government news cognitively, emotionally and behaviorally, and broadcasting news  isn’t dependent on specialized media agencies, but government institutions have become an influential partner in the news industry. The study was conducted on an available sample of the Egyptian university youth audience, which is 400 items.
The study found a high demand for university youth to use social media networks as well as websites to follow government news. The use of digital media techniques has made a qualitative leap in the spread of information and news to achieve instantaneous transmission of news from the heart of the event, and the transmission of events was not limited to media broadcasting agencies, Rather, institutions, whatever their nature, and here the field of government study, have the elements of news publishing and their television channels via the Internet, to inform and educate citizens about their achievements and activities, in addition to introducing their various services and products, and realizing the importance of direct and interactive communication with the public and communicating their vision in various fields. 
The government develop its strategies for the state quickly, timely, detailed, dazzling and attractive at the same time, which required government institutions to own an electronic publishing team with different names within their institutional structure in order to market their news to the citizen as a guarantee that their sound vision would reach him and at the same time be able to confront rumors that are raised about government performance.
