Challenges of the Arab Media on the Light of the Sustainable Development Plans towards Future Vision for Reform and Development.

Document Type : Original Article


Professor, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Media and Communication Technology, Misr University for Science and Technology


The contemporary Egyptian society has witnessed in the past few years huge advancements in the area of the University Education, one of which was responding to the technological revolution and we have seen the Government’s efforts towards the digital transformation of education in different Egyptian universities.  This digital transformation became a must after the Covid 19 epidemic and the lockdown.
This digital transformation had to be accompanied with changes in the universities’ management systems, policies, strategies, curricula, and objectives. 
This research is a qualitative study which tends to explain the digital transformation in the universities and the challenges that stand on the way for this transformation in order to achieve the strategic goals.
Several deep interviews were made with experts and specialists in the field of Higher Education who have long experience in which they are asked abou their opinions and suggestions to provide a total vision about the challenges and the solutions to the digital transformation in the different kinds of the Egyptian universities.
This research also includes a theoretical part about the present situations of the Egyptian universities as in the past few years different types of new universities have opened in several parts of Egypt.
