Marketing the political personality in Egypt through social media networks:

Document Type : Original Article


 Instructor of Public Relations and Marketing Communications, Faculty of Mass Communication - Pharos University in Alexandria


This research paper aims to identify the reality of the use of social media networks in the political marketing of the political personality in Egypt, through an analytical study of the two pages of Egypt's 2018 presidential candidates by searching for the values ​​included in these posts, marketing purposes in these pages, and finding the most important political marketing methods that focused on the two pages of  Egypt's 2018 presidential candidates, President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and Engineer Musa Mustafa Musa.The study came out with many results, the most important of which is the focus of the contents of the Egyptian presidential candidates for the 2018 presidential elections on highlighting the activities and actions that each candidate carries out. It also showed that there is a discrepancy between the various topics and contents published by the candidate, and the results also showed that the most important values ​​addressed by the publications and materials The media on my page, the Egyptian presidential candidates in 2018, was in the interest of the public interest, and the most important forms of public interaction with these publications were in the interest of the appeals category, which betrays the many demands of the people, and who sees and marks in a particular candidate ways to achieve these appeals
