The vision of those responsible for contact to use the drone journalism in the Egyptian institutions of journalism, and the Attitudes there of towards it

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor of digital journalism at the Faculty of Mass Communication _ Al-Azhar University


This thesis seeks to identify the vision of those responsible for contact in the Egyptian institutions of journalism to use the drones, and their approaches towards it. It also seeks to identify their level of knowledge thereof, and reveal how important to use it in journalism from their point of view. Moreover, to mark the reasons that push such institutions to accept or not accept using the drones in the journalistic coverage, and the new practices in the work of journalism that might accompany using the drones. In addition to the effect of using such drones on the professional as well as the ethical sides of journalism. This thesis belongs to the descriptive ones, as it relied on the approach of survey, and questionnaire in collecting the data from a sample of journalists.
The thesis concluded that the level of the journalists’ knowledge of the drone was average. In fact, 92% of them agree to use it in the field of journalism. They see that using it is important on a high degree, and that “the constant search of achieving a speedy recovery of the events” comes as a forefront of the reasons that make the institutions of journalism use these drones. Moreover, 79% of the thesis’s sample consider the fact that the drones are capable of providing a distinguished journalistic content. And that “the increase of the level of the audience’s credibility in the journalistic content” comes in the lead of the positive effects of using the drones. Whereas “lacking the journalistic content of accuracy, elaboration, and analysis of the events” comes on top of the possible negative effects of using the drones.
