The effectiveness of a proposed training program based on the blended e-learning strategy for developing info graphic design skills for students of educational media

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, Faculty of Specific Education - Zagazig University


The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a proposed training program based on the integrated e-learning strategy for the design of the info graphic on the acquisition of some practical performance skills for students of educational media, in addition to trying to identify the modern teaching strategies that contribute to the link between education, media and education, and to achieve the objectives of the study.  the researcher used The one-group semi-experimental approach (before and after).The sample of the study consisted of (30) specialists and directors of educational media, in addition to a sample of (20) students from the third year students of the Department of Educational Media.  The researcher used several research tools, which are: (a questionnaire to determine the practical performance skills for students of educational media, the cognitive achievement test (pre/post) related to info graphic design skills, a note card for the performance rate of info graphic design skills. After studying the sample members and applying the study tools before and after, the most important results of the study were reached: that the blended e-learning achieved effectiveness in all areas (cognitive achievement, skills development, practical performance).
The study recommends the necessity of issuing organized decisions for the nature of school journalistic work, so that the production process turns to electronic design instead of manual design, which no longer fits the nature of the era in which we live and does not fit the nature of students who are dealing with the vocabulary of the new environment with their tools that they acquired as a result of their interaction with digital technologies modern.
