The reality of advertising communication in Egyptian press institutions through electronic platforms: a study in advertising text and the audience

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor at the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


The great technological development and reliance on various electronic alternatives, in addition to other factors, led to a decrease in the readers of print newspapers globally and locally.According to the importance of advertising as a major resource on which newspapers depend to maximize their financial resources, and the importance of measuring the returns from developing digital platforms for newspapers at the advertising level, this study seeks to identify the reality of Egyptian press institutions on the level of advertising communication efficiency of their electronic platforms,as well as defining the characteristics of electronic advertisements on the websites of the study sample, identifying the nature of the target audience of electronic advertising communications, determining the strategies used in advertising communications through electronic platforms for newspapers, as well as testing the success of advertisements on electronic platforms in achieving the following among the audience with regard to the advertised goods and services. : (attracting attention - arousing interest - creating the desire to buy - making the purchasing decision).
The study proceeds from the theoretical framework related to the theory of media morphosis and the AIDA model, as well as DAGMAR models 1 and 2.
