The credibility of social networking sites as a source of news for the communicator in the Saudi electronic newspapers

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Electronic Publishing, College of Mass Communication - Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University


The study researched and analyzed the credibility of social networking sites as a source of news for the communicator in the Saudi electronic newspapers, by verifying a set of goals and assumptions. In its theoretical construction, the study relied on the philosophy of "the structural model of credibility.", and the specific sub-level of the levels of media credibility studies (The Micro Level), which includes the extent to which the communicator is believable to social media as a source of information.
The study relied on the survey method in Obtaining information and data about the studied phenomenon, on a sample of (100) individuals who were selected thro Obtaining information and data about the studied phenomenon ugh a regular random sample; with equal distribution among the five newspapers - the study sample - by (20) journalists from each newspaper.
Through the survey method, the study used frequency tables, percentages, and the relationship between variables through descriptive and inferential statistics coefficient; to reveal the extent and type of the relationship, whether it is a significant or non-significant relationship between the items and variables of the study.
The study reached many important results, as the Twitter platform ranked first among the social networking sites most relied on by the communicator as a source, as the majority of journalists in Saudi newspapers depend on social networking sites as news sources
