Frameworks for presenting the stranding of the ship "Evergevin" in the Suez Canal in electronic newspapers and tweets by Twitter users :

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor at the Department of Mass Communication, College of Language and Media, Naval Academy


The study aimed to analyze the frames used in covering the incident of Evergiven ship that stuck in the Suez Canal. A framing anaylsis was conducted to Al-Ahram Egyptian newspaper and the Japanese Asahi Shimbun, as well as Tweets from March 23 to 4 July 2021, to identify used frames, and the factors that influenced content presented.
The factors that identified used framed included, the event itself, editorial policy and affiliation of newspapers, practices of each medium, and journalistic working routines.  Among the significant conclusions of the study are:
As for topics, Al-Ahram newspaper prioritized the excessive Egyptian efforts to move the ship, while both the Asashi Shimbun and twitter users were both interested with the continuous efforts of the Suez Canal to move the ship, and the role of the Dutch locomotive.
As for sources, Al-Ahram newspapers relied on Egyptian official sources, while the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, despite the limited materials that dealt with the incident in the Japanese newspaper, was characterized by the richness and diversity of sources used representing various viewpoint of engaged parties within the event, while news sources were mostly anonymous on Twitter.
As for visual aids, Al-Ahram newspaper repeated using the same images, as well as the Asahi Shimbun newspaper, with differences in used photos, and showing interest in photoscaptured form satellites, while twitter was distinguished in using various visual aids as videos, infographics, photos captured from satellites , and memes.
Regarding frames used, Al-Ahram newspaper prioritized the attribution of responsibility to address the person responsible for the accident, while the Asahi Shimbun newspaper and twitter replaced altered with it with the explanation frame to address the possible causes of the accident. Regarding the consequences of the event, While Al-Ahram newspaper used the framework of escalation, and the preservation of Egyptian rights, the Asahi Shimbun newspaper and the twitter used the economic consequences highlighting the impact on international trade. Results show the superiority of irony as a frame on twitter through a sense of humor in addressing the event without linking it to sarcasm from any of the parties engaged in the incident.
The study showed differences in presenting Egyptian institution than other studies that tackled relevant events to Egypt on twitter, as the results vary between positivity and negativity in contrary to previous results were negativity dominated.
