The impact of participation in digital communities for brands on consumer empowerment and loyalty to these brands

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University


Digital brand communities are an important space for interaction between consumers, also it is an important tool for maintaining long-term relationships between the brand and the consumer, hence the problem of the study is to measure the impact of consumer commitment and brand community engagement as the main dimensions of participation in the brand community. This study was conducted on a sample of 400 users from four Facebook brand communities.
The results of the study showed that brand community commitment & engagement positively affect the levels of consumer empowerment among the respondents, especially that these communities constitute a source of consumer power, whether the power resulting from information, or networking through discussion and dialogue with other consumers about the brand, in addition to the fact that the brand community is a source of collective strength as a result of the consumer’s belonging to a group that has a common interest in the brand.
The results showed that there is a direct correlation between the respondents’ loyalty towards the brand and their sense of empowerment, which indicates that companies can employ the Relationship Marketing approach to manage their relationships with their consumers by giving them more powerful roles and involving them in production, development and offering processes.
