Integrated marketing communications ethics and its relationship to brand trust

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of marketing communications, Faculty of ass Communication, Cairo University


The problem of the study is to monitor the relationship between the ethics of integrated marketing communications and trust in the brand, and to identify the variables that can affect that relationship among the Egyptian consumer within the sectors: soft drinks, fast food, and personal care products (deodorants). ). To achieve this goal, and by reviewing the literature in a post-analysis method, the study is concerned with presenting a proposal for a code of conduct for integrated marketing communications to demonstrate its ethics and determine the governing variables and the nature of their relationships, in order to formulate and test a theoretical model that describes the relationship between marketing communications ethics and brand trust.
This study belongs to the quality of descriptive research, as it seeks to collect and analyze data using statistical methods and transactions in order to test the relationship of commitment to the ethics of marketing communications and trust in the brand.
The study population was represented by current and potential consumers of soft water and fast food, as well as current and potential users of deodorants from Egyptians between the ages of 18 to 60 years of both sexes.
The results of the study demonstrated the existence of a relationship between the ethics of marketing communications and trust in the brand, and the components of trust included: a sense of security about the brand, awareness of the brand's worthiness to perform its functions, and awareness of the ability of the brand to achieve positive expectations about it.
