Evaluating the effectiveness of digital advertising design for mobile smart phone applications in attracting the attention of the target audience in the Niche Market

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Lecturer, Department of Media Production, Division of Media Sciences, International Academy of Engineering and Media Sciences


The study seeks to explore the factors that determine the trends of the target audience from advertisements in digital niche markets through mobile smart phone applications, and then know the effect of these factors in attracting their attention towards these markets, and by extension an effect on their attitudes towards them, which affects the behavioral intention towards these specialized markets. Therefore, the study suggested a set of factors affecting the effectiveness of designing these digital ads through and from smartphones These include (the credibility of digital advertising, the formal features of digital advertising, the nature of the information contained in the digital advertisement, the emotion that is generated by following up on the digital advertisement, the forms of audience interaction with digital advertisements, readers ’comments on digital advertising, trust in companies active in the field of specialized markets) on the formation of Trends, including the actual behavior of the public, and the study seeks to examine the impact of the personal characteristics of the public represented in (the demand for the use of technology, the experience of new things, the feeling of safety and non-penetration of privacy, the tendency towards electronic purchase, previous experience in the field of electronic purchase) on the formation of trends, including the actual behavior For the audience towards digital advertising for The niche market.
Therefore, this study belongs to research or descriptive studies, and the researcher used the survey methodology, and it is applied in the study through the public opinion survey. for a description of the phenomenon of affinity for digital ads through smart phone applications for specialized markets.
The population of the field study is the Egyptian public for those over 18 years of age and of various economic, social, educational and other levels. However, a sample consisting of 200 individuals will be drawn and the type of sample is available.
The results of the study concluded that the study sample prefers interacting with advertisements for smart phone applications to identify the products of the specialized markets, and the high motives for using the study sample for smart phone applications came, and this may be attributed because these applications satisfy the needs of the study sample looking for in the nature of the product or service that seeks to use , Which revealed the results of the study on the availability of the elements of attractiveness in the advertising message presented through smart phone applications, and came at the forefront to know more details about the same product and the use of high graphic technologies
Quality achieves dazzling and attractiveness in clarifying the product's formal details and the advertisements for smart phone applications achieve a number of advantages. The interactive feature weighs 75 degrees, followed by the advantage of optimism and confidence with a weight of 74 degrees, then the feature of "design quality" with a weight of 73.2 degrees, and finally came the feature of ease of use With a weight of 72.4 degrees, the results of the study revealed a statistically significant effect of the reasons for the interaction of the study sample with advertisements for smart phone applications to identify the products of the specialized markets On its preference for these advertisements, as well as the presence of a statistically significant effect of the effect of the attractiveness of smart phone application advertisements to identify the products of the specialized markets on the study sample's approach to the electronic purchase experience, as well as the existence of a statistically significant effect of the impact of the advantages of interacting with the advertisements of smart phone applications of the products of the specialized markets According to the study sample's implementation of the electronic purchase experience.
The study recommends the importance of the spread of such applications through smart phones for various products, especially as it provides the public with the advantage of interactivity, ease of use and the possibility of comparison between different products through them, as these applications help in the possibility of reaching the media message to the consumer at anytime and anywhere via smart phones, as well as that These applications help companies to advertise their products, offers and prices in a simple and attractive way without incurring a high cost to deliver their message.

