The problem of the relationship between digital and traditional media

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University - Jeddah


What has consistently helped in the spread of digital forms of media is how it is related to evolving technologies, where the developments have become spectacular; the human race is still to await further advancements in the technological world which may even overshadow digital media with virtual, fully inclusive, and interactive forms of communication.
The remain or extinction of digital media is mainly related to the development of communities in terms of economic, scientific and cultural developments within the society. Also, the rise in levels of poverty and illiteracy will unfortunately not allow many segments of society to participate in the upcoming technological revolution which is increasing in pace day by day; therefore leaving this segment dependent on traditional forms of media.
Digital Mass communication has surpassed traditional forms of media outlets greatly and in many aspects which has thus driven our generation towards digital media and changed the pace of society completely including in many different fields. What makes digital media unique is that it is available to everyone no matter how different they are and thus limitless not as traditional media. It also presents many ways to obtain information that has not been available before traditionally, in terms of ways, types or quantity.
Traditional media have also secured a spot digitally, because they have come to realize the greatness of the challenges and competition they face when changing to a digital platform. Traditional media is merely following modern media platforms, there is of course mutual benefit and it cannot be said that a struggle between traditional and digital forms of media will end by the disappearance of any of the sides, both complete each other, so to speak.
Even though the presence of digital media forms have solved many of the problems present with traditional media forms; it has not been able to solve everything and perhaps has even highlighted a few problems even more. In this study, the focus will be on some of the problems as identity, national and information security as well, where traditional media did not face these problems. Each of the problems will be discussed separately and in detail in this study.
