The credibility of Arab news satellite channels in covering violence and terrorism at the local and international levels:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Lecturer at the Faculty of Mass Communication - Misr University for Science and Technology


This research aims to identify the extent to which Egyptian and Arab satellite news channels adhere to controls and standards that reflect the level of their credibility in covering violence and terrorism events. This study used the survey method by analyzing the content of a sample of the main news bulletins in the following Egyptian and Arab satellite news channels: (CBC Extra News - The Saudi event - Al-Jazeera Qatar), for a three-week time span. The study reached several results, the most important of which are: The results showed the professional treatment of CbC Extra News channel without resorting to any kind of excitement in presenting the news, as it resorted to interpretive treatment and information more than emotional and arousal treatment by (93.6%).The results also showed Al-Jazeera TV's coverage of news related to the Egyptian security issue that was not covered in both Al-Hadath channel and Extra News channel. The results also showed that Al-Hadath channel is objective and transparent and covers most of the events in the Arab and international arena without any media blackout or disregard for specific events. And this distinguished it from Al-Jazeera and the cbc Extra News. The study sample relied on experts and specialists as sources of news at a rate of (35%), while official and military sources ranked second with a rate of (30%).
