The reality of journalistic training for Jordanian journalists Under the digital newspaper

Document Type : Original Article


PhD researcher at the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


The world is witnessing major changes in all media platforms due to the tremendous development in communication technology, which has led to the inadequate professional performance of the journalist in Jordan due to their   continued use of traditional media platforms. The lack of use  of  modern  ways  of  communication,  and  the  weakness  of  the Jordanian  training  programs  that  do  not  keep  pace  with  the  rapid development  of  communication  technology  has  led  to  a  huge  gap  between the  requirements  of  journalistic  work  and  journalists  themselves,  as journalistic  training  accompanying  development  has  become  an  urgent necessity  for  Jordanian  media  institutions  and  is  the  best  investment  that  can achieve  a  fruitful  return  for  the  media  corporation  and  to  the  journalists themselves.  The study has aimed to know the reality and nature of the training process for journalists in light of the digital press and to know the strengths and weaknesses of journalistic training programs that exist in Jordanian media institutions and the future of the training process. The study has used    the media survey method and the form tools of collecting data and information.  The study finds that there is a financial support by foreign institutions for the process of digital training in Jordanian media institutions and it turns out that the programs presented in the training process are not at the level that benefits the journalist in digital journalism, in addition to the lack of advanced and modern devices specialized in digital journalism that keeps pace with the modern era. The study recommends the necessity of cooperation between the Jordanian media institutions and the Jordanian Journalists Association    in supporting the training process in the digital press and periodically evaluating the training programs by officials and the concerned authorities and setting future strategic plans for media training and developing media institutions.
