Journalistic Websites Treatment of Renewing Religious Discourse Issue In presidential Speeches

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University


The study aimed to identify the features of dealing with opinion materials on journalistic websites (Al-Ahram, Youm7, Alwafd, Almasryalyoum) for the dimensions and frameworks for addressing the issue of renewing religious discourse and presidential discourses attitudes toward it, and identifying the important Proof tracks towards the issue in opinion materials, as well as the most important active forces and attributes attributed to them.
The researcher adopted the sample survey method, using the discourse analysis and some categories of content analysis, both quantitative and qualitative, as a tool for collecting data from a purposive sample consisting of [142] articles, which dealt with the issue from (1/1/2015 to 30/5/2021) in the framework of discourse analysis approach; to explain study variables .
The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: that the majority of articles that dealt with the issue increased after the presidential calls and came in support of them with some reservations about the current religious discourse by (65.5%), and that the majority of articles that dealt with the issue did not respond to any religious institution and this is evident by 63.4% of the total articles, President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi was at the forefront of the active forces contained in the articles by (52.9%), and (34%) of articles employed the paths of realistic proof to clarify their position on the issue , and the majority of them focused Articles on intellectual, social, fatwa, media and advocacy topics.
The results indicate that 54.2% of the articles focused on religious frames of reference in addressing the issue, and the presidential speech directed them towards it by 88%.
