Evaluation of Workers in the Administrative and Commercial Sectors in Egyptian Press Institutions for Mechanisms for Managing Work Crises under the Corona Pandemic

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor in Journalism Department - Akhbar Al Youm Academy


 The problem of the study is to identify the assessment of workers in the administrative and commercial sectors in the Egyptian press institutions for the mechanisms of managing work crises in light of the Corona pandemic, specifically during the first wave of the pandemic due to the repercussions of the conditions of the ban, as well as dealing with a new variable on Egyptian society, and the researcher chose institutions: Al-Ahram Akhbar Al-Youm, Al-Tahrir House for Printing and Publishing "Al-Gomhoria"; Because it distributes all national, private and partisan newspapers and magazines in Egypt.
This study belongs to the descriptive studies, and it relied on the media survey method and used the survey form, where the sample of the study was a deliberate sample, which is done by deliberate testing of a sample of 110 items from workers in the administrative and commercial sectors (distribution, advertising, public relations, transportation and movement, health and occupational safety) for Egyptian press institutions.
The study showed several results, including: the fear of touching newspapers as well as money is one of the most important reasons for the decline in newspaper distribution during that period, and 98.2% of the respondents in the study sample agreed on the success of their press institutions in crisis management mechanisms during the first wave of the Corona pandemic.
