Independent online platforms for Evaluating the Content of Media Websites and Social Media Pages: Evaluation Methodology. And the Roles of Communicators

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor, Department of Electronic Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication, Beni Suef University


The study aimed to identify the most important roles played by independent online platforms working in evaluating media content, applying to my platform, "Akhbarmeter" on evaluating media websites, and "Dabegad?" platform, assessing content on social media pages, identifying the mechanism and methodology of evaluation used by both platforms, how they choose the websites they set up, the roles and degree of their qualification, and the role of those platforms towards the media and the most important constraints they face. On the other hand, the study seeks to identify the opinions of academics and practitioners in the experience of independent platforms working in evaluating content, and what websites and social networking sites need at the moment to face the spread of fake news.
First: the Results of "Akhbar meter" platform

The Akhbar metersteam monitors and evaluates the content, as The Miter News team assesses the credibility and professionalism of the most prominent issues of public interest among the content of the top 10-read news sites in Egypt. "Akhbar meter" looks at media content of different types, whether it is news, opinion, investigating, news report, etc.
The "Akhbar meter" team monitors and evaluates selected news content from the top 10-read media sites in Egypt, by answering a set of questions (19 questions) that represent the criteria to be met in any media content, which are derived from the media honors at the local and international levels.

Second: The results of the analysis of the "Dabegad?" platform analysis?
The "Da begad?" teams get to the truth by:
Check the text and the video, then create a design that includes the wrong post and next to it the correct post (in green and red) with the date slot per se.
-       Attach the original post which came on another platform.
-       Mention the sources through which the truth of the blog was accessed.
-       Linking links to the source who was the source of the misinformation under the heading "Who spread the rumor".

