The social media effect on developing the skills of mass communication faculties' students in the United Arab Emirates

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Communication - Al Khwarizmi International College, United Arab Emirates


The study aims to investigate the use of social networks in developing the skills of students of mass communication faculties in the United Arab Emirates and its effects. The study used the survey method and the questionnaire tool applying to 200 respondents. The study used the theory of uses and effects as well as the theory of Actor-Network Theory (ANT).
Main results:

There is a statistically significant correlation between the rate of respondents' use of social media sites and their forms of interaction on these sites in developing their media skills.
There is a statistically significant correlation between the respondents' vision of the role of social media sites in developing their media skills and the extent of their reliance on these sites in this regard.
There is a statistically significant correlation between the extent of respondents' reliance on social media sites in developing their media skills and their motives of reliance.
There is a statistically significant correlation between the motives of respondents' reliance on social media sites in developing their media skills and their forms of interaction on these sites.
There is a statistically significant correlation between the methods used by the respondents to develop their media skills and the effects resulting from following the methods of developing their media skills through social media sites.

