The Future of Artificial Intelligence Application in Media Organizations and Their Role in Developing News Content

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in the Department of Media, Faculty of Arts, Helwan University


Knowing the reality of media organizations' use of artificial intelligence applications, knowing the advantages and disadvantages resulting when they are introduced in the future, as well as the challenges that institutions may face, and exploring the forward-looking vision of communicators, specialized experts and academics towards the future of using AI applications in media organizations.
 This study belongs to the descriptive studies, and it relied on the survey approach in its quantitative and qualitative branches, as well as on the exploratory approach, And (17 singles) in the Cairo 24, (15 singles) in Rosa El Youssef, (11 singles) in Al-Ahram, (16 singles) in MBC Masr, (12 singles) on Sky News, and (13 singles) in Nile News, as well. The standardized interview guide was used with specialized experts and academics (11 items).
The most important results of the study:
(1) Answers communicators emphasized the use of artificial intelligence applications moderately, while the weakness came in use according to experts answers specialists and academics, the researcher noticed the weakness of use, but rather the primitive form that did not rise to development.
(2) All the study sample agreed that the lack of infrastructure development is one of the most important challenges that media organizations may face in the future if artificial intelligence applications are used.
(3) All study sample suggested regarding the future of using artificial intelligence applications within media institutions, by training a new generation of journalists on these applications, and by using experts, developers and programmers, and the integration of the relationship between humans and machines.
