Drama Makers Assessment of the Impact of Using Digital Platforms on the Future of Drama Industry

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Radio and Television Department at the Higher International Institute for Media in El-Shorouk.


This study aims to monitor and analyze the impact of digital platforms on drama makers, in addition to identifying the most important positive and negative effects of the emergence of digital platforms, and their impact also on drama makers, viewers, dramatic content and production techniques. This study also attempts to measure the impact of these platforms on television viewing through Conducting an in-depth interview with a sample consisting of (18) respondents from experts in the drama industry that were (director - producer - writer - critic). The study concluded that most of the experts are that one of the most important features of these platforms is the production of many drama hours to meet the needs of the intensity of the sought after through these The platforms, and that the platforms are able to revive the drama with new ideas and topics that have not been discussed before, and with the diversity of the dramatic content in the platforms, the effect of this on the language of the directorial drama is "shots, pieces", and there has bee a blending between the rules of the film with the emergence of new languages of the work, that is, it broke the restrictions and the dramatic barriers.
It also arose, and the viewer had a new vision and a new culture a arose  through viewing through digital platforms, while the most important negative effects of the emergence of platforms were to affect television viewing and cinema, but in a simple way.
