Envisioning a proposal for an ethical code of conduct that regulates the use of social media by Egyptian journalists in light of the experiences of international media Organizations

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor at International Media Institute, Journalism Department, El-shorouk Academy


This study aimed to suggest a proposed conception of an ethical code of conduct that could contribute to controlling and regulating the use of Egyptian journalists of social media, by being guided by the ethical charters and professional codes of conduct issued by a sample of Arab and international media organizations.
The researcher monitored what is related to the regulation of journalists’ use of social media in the professional codes of conduct and ethical charters of (27) Arab and international media and press organizations. The study concluded that these ethical charters and professional codes of conduct, including standards and rules for journalists’ interaction with social networks, confirms in general that the traditional ethics that journalists adhere to in traditional media remain valid in the field of social media. Accordingly, the journalist in the social media spaces is not freed from the ethical principles that regulate his professional practice, and perhaps this is what prompted these organizations to take measures to control and regulate the interaction of their affiliates with social media sites.
The researcher suggested a proposed concept for a code of conduct, which is an editorial charter that includes professional standards and rules that can contribute to regulating Egyptian journalists' use of social media.  This blog is based on the principle of self-regulation, which is the-most successful way to provide a general framework for professional journalistic practice that balances the people's right to knowledge and freedom of expression and between preserving the integrity of society and not offending the homeland or harming its interests and institutions.
