The social and security responsibilities of the governmental Saudi Arabia media in confrontation of foreign media intervention and its impact on sustainable development of the Kingdom

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Mass Communication, Menoufia University.


The study tried to identify the social and security responsibilities of the governmental Saudi media in confrontation of foreign media intervention and its impact on sustainable development of the Kingdom. The study tried also to test the degree of satisfaction and confidence of the governmental Saudi Arabia media in handling the foreign media intervention in various socio-economic issues in Saudi community. The study has been applied on a random sample of 400 individual media audience comprising various gender, education levels, ages, marital status, etc. The study concluded that ~ 40 % of the audience always follow the governmental Saudi media. ~ 51 % of the studied sample watch the governmental Saudi Arabia media on irregular basis. Only, 8 % of the studied sample rarely watch these media. The study asserted that the massive public Saudi audience relies in their media information on the private Arabic governmental satellite channels. The statistical analysis discloses that there is a relationship between the confidence level in the governmental Saudi media regarding its treatment of the foreign intervention and the media sources of information collection. The statistical analysis of the studied sample proved that there is a relationship between the role of the governmental Saudi Arabia in the treatment of foreign intervention and the degree of satisfaction of these media.
