International organizations’ use of their informational capital in managing global crises through their digital platforms and its relationship to their credibility:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Prof. of Public Relations – Faculty of Mass Communication – Beni-Suef University.


This research presents an updated applied framework based on a mixture of philosophical intellectual visions and global social phenomena. And that is by studying the concept of information capital for international organizations from two perspectives, one of which is constructive and based on monitoring the dimensions and elements of the concept, and the other is functional based on researching the objectives and mechanisms of its employment in global crisis management; This employment affected the credibility of the aforementioned international organizations, and in this context, the research proceeded to a case study of the digital platform of the World Health Organization in order to monitor the dimensions and elements of its information capital, and to determine the mechanisms of their employment of these elements in managing crises caused by the pandemic of the outbreak of the Corona epidemic in early 2020 AD in various parts the world; This employment affected the credibility of that organization with its audience.
If information capital as an asset owned by international organizations is of relative importance in enabling it to perform the roles and functions entrusted to it towards the international community in general, and if performing these roles and functions is of great importance in enhancing credibility; The efforts of these international organizations to employ their information capital in managing global crises and disasters in particular may double the degree of their credibility with the various sectors of that society referred to.
