Uses and Gratifications of Roeya TV news among persons with disability

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor and Head of Journalism Department / College of Mass Communication / Yarmouk University

2 Jordan News Agency

3 Associate Professor, Faculty of Mass Communication, Yarmouk University


The study aimed to identify the uses of people with disabilities for news bulletins on Roya TV channel, the motives for use and the satisfaction achieved from them, the viewing patterns, and the relationship of the use motives with the achieved gratifications. The opinions of the disabled were surveyed using the survey method, and the study population consisted of people with visual and motor disabilities in the governorate. Irbid, and the study relied on (the questionnaire) as a research tool, and the number of the sample participants in the study was (200) individuals. The study showed that all members of the sample follow the news bulletins on Roya TV, but to varying degrees, and 22% said that they always follow it, 26% follow it often, and 52% watch it sometimes. In the first place in terms of viewership, the percentage of those who follow it (always, often, and sometimes) reached 85.5% of the respondents, 57% said that they are exposed to news bulletins more than twice a week, and 59.5% that they watch them for more than half an hour a day. The sample members’ viewing of news bulletins individually ranked first with an average of 2.93, and the study showed that content related to disability ranked first, which sample members preferred to watch, followed by sports content. The results showed that cognitive motives stand behind the disabled’s use of news bulletins and that it achieves them cognitive and utilitarian gratification more than Ritual satisfactions were achieved for them, and it was found that there is a positive, statistically significant relationship between the degree of exposure of persons with disabilities to news bulletins and each of the gratifications and motives, and the higher the degree of exposure of persons with disabilities. For the disabled, for news bulletins, the degree of gratification increased, and it was found that there was a positive, statistically significant relationship between the motives of the sample members’ use of news bulletins and the gratifications achieved from them, as well as the presence of statistically significant differences due to the effect of the type of disability and educational level, but there are no statistically significant differences There is no statistically significant relationship between gender, marital status and age of the researchers and their gratifications, as well as the absence of statistically significant differences due to the effect of gender, marital status, educational level, and age, while There are statistically significant differences due to the effect of the type of disability.
