The Mechanisms of applying and producing robot journalism in Egypt, in light of using artificial intelligence tools:

Document Type : Original Article


Instructor of digital journalism at the Faculty of Mass Communication - Al-Azhar University


This thesis aspires to achieve the main goal of knowing how to apply the automated journalism or robot journalism, and the mechanism of producing thereof in Cairo 24 news site, as being the first Egyptian site to apply such a model of artificial intelligence techniques. in addition to identifying the use or value added (by robot journalism) to the site, revealing the new practices it imposed, and observing the nature of the relationship between Robot journalism and human journalistsو this thesis belong to the descriptive ones, depending on the survey approach, and questionnaire to collect data from a random sample of journalists at Cairo 24 news site. Moreover, such thesis used the unified theory to accept and use the technique.
The thesis came to a group of outcomes, most important of which: the importance of Appling robot journalism in the Egyptian news sites, for its ability to produce a further distinctive news content than that presented by human journalists. Also, it is more reliable to the audience, in addition to its positive effect on both the moral and professional side of journalism. Cairo 24 site realized its goals of applying robot journalism in a good level. Researches exclude the fact that robot journalism shall replace human journalists in the future. In regard to the nature of the relationship between machines and humans, researches stress, from their own experience, that it is largely a complementary relationship.
