Models and Indicative Scenarios for Apology and Correction Letter in Public Relations Communications for International Crisis Management:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Public Relations, Faculty of media - Menoufia University


The problem of the study was identified in the researcher's endeavor to study the case of the terrorist incident by killing worshipers in New Zealand during March 2019, a research that monitors, analyzes and evaluates the communicative measures taken by the government and the New Zealand state in the matter of crisis management, and studies and analyzes the content of the speech presented to the public for a period of two consecutive months from the time of the incident. For content according to communication models in crisis management and Bniout models to fix the image in times of crisis, the study specifically examined the extent of using the letter of apology, taking responsibility and taking corrective measures in treating the causes of the crisis, and monitoring the trends of global public opinion towards New Zealand and the measures it followed to contain global anger in general and society. Islamic specifically.
The results of the study reflected the investigation of the use of the pillars of the apology letter in managing the terrorist attack crisis in New Zealand in March 2019, and the diversity of the discourse in the following contents: Speaking of religious quotes from the Qur’an and the Muhammadan Sunnah by members of the New Zealand government, especially Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, description of the terrorist incident, repeated scenes of crying during television interviews Official statements and government statements by the Head of Government and Director of New Zealand Police, emotional groping in the actions and feelings of respect for the New Zealand government and its citizens for Muslims, a unified communication message directed to Muslims, the public and the media, the use of emotional and religious influence in accordance with the category of the public affected by the crisis, the severe attack on the categories of terrorism and extremism.
The study recommended the importance of applying communication and guidance models and a letter of apology when dealing with crises, and that governments should not resort to evading responsibility or throwing it on other bodies, with the need to develop crisis management centers in Egypt, and pay attention to the institutional news content management system in times of crisis.
