The practice of high school students in school media activities and its relationship to shaping the mental image of the educational media departments in their universities

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Media at the Faculty of Specific Education- Menoufia University


The research aims to study the relationship between the practice of high school students in school media activities and the formation of the mental image of the educational media departments in Egyptian universities in terms of studying the differences in the perception of the respondents participating in school media activities and non-participants to the school media specialist, and this study belongs to descriptive studies, and within its framework The researcher used the survey method and used in that questionnaire as a tool to collect the required data, and the study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: The practice of school media activities in its various forms has a great role in improving the mental image of the school media specialist among high school students, and that the practice of school media activities in all its forms The different ones have a great role in increasing high school students ’knowledge of media departments and what is taught in them, and then improving the mental image of media departments. The practice of school media activities has a major role in improving the general high school students’ tendency towards joining and studying media departments. The study recommended developing a course named Media education in pre-university education can develop students' awareness of knowledge Various media hams and how to deal with the cultural invasion through the media.
