The extent to which Iraqi satellite news channels commitment to objectivity in their coverage of the issue of the October demonstrations in Iraq:

Document Type : Original Article


University of Baghdad – Collage of Mass Communication


The research deals with the adoption of the media survey approach with an analytical section, and the comparative approach for balancing the analytical research results for news bulletins and their topics related to the issue of the Iraq October demonstrations in the channels study, during the research period, in order to communicate to determine which research channels were more committed to objectivity than others.
   As the research problem is embodied by the following main question?
- To what extent is the commitment of the Iraqi satellite news channels to objectivity in their coverage of the issue of the Iraqi October demonstrations?
   The research was divided into three axes, as the first axis dealt with the theoretical framework of the research, including the concept of media objectivity, its origin and controversy, and indications of objectivity violations.
  The second axis, it included the methodological framework for the research, previous studies, as well as defining the analysis categories.
   The third axis dealt with the analytical framework of the research and its results, as well as a discussion of its findings
