The role of digital public relations in Saudi universities during the Corona crisis:

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


The current study sought to identify the role of digital public relations in enhancing communication and connecting in Saudi universities during the emerging Corona epidemic crisis and to determine the extent to which specialists and managers of public relations sections in Saudi universities used the communication technology during the Corona crisis and the most important electronic means used by Public Relations sections and Communication strategies inside universities' public relations sections. The study relied on the survey method using the sample survey method by applying it to a sample of public relations practitioners in Saudi universities. The study sample in universities (King Abdulaziz - Umm al-Qura - Taif) with a sample of (66 respondents) during the period from 1/09/2020 until 1/12/2020. The results of the study showed that e-mail and university accounts on social media came first by 25.33% as the most important electronic means used by the Public Relations sections in dealing with the Corona crisis, and the results of the study revealed that 54% of managers and specialists of public relations sections in Saudi universities got training in communication technology during the Corona epidemic. The results of the study also confirmed the importance of digital public relations tools for the university public relations managers and specialists, as the public relations tools were useful in the possibility of exchanging opinions and instructions at the university or college by 19.6% and improving the communication environment between different sections at the university by 18.2%. Also, the media strategy provides for public relations all the decisions and precautionary measures that the university takes to deal with the Corona epidemic crisis by 41.3%.
