News coverage of Egyptian issues presented in arabic BBC and Russia Today Satellite Channels and their influence on Egyptian community abroad

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Mass Communication - Menoufia University.



The study is trying to handle the response of Egyptians community abroad to News coverage of Egyptian issues presented in arabic BBC and Russia Today Satellite Channels. The study tries to explore the various logical approaches used in treatment of the various Egyptian issues.These logical approches used both the analytical and field studies. The analytical aims at the various news presented in these satellite chanles in terms their topics,contents, places, and socio-econmoic issues along with the most current political subjects. The fieldworks relied on random sample of 200 individuals outstide the egyptian country. The results of the analytical study proved that 50% of the BBC and Russia today satellite channels were related to the Egyptian issues. The terrer and violence topics were in the first place of all the news. The assisination of policemen and goervnemental confronation against terrer occupied the second and third places respectivley. Finally, explosion of christiam churches occuy the fourth place of interest. The results of field study conculded that there is a significant relationship between exposure density to arabic BBS and Russia today and the audience knowledge about these various Egyptian issues. The statistical analysis of the field collected data constrained the relationship between the exposeure density to these channels and the confidence of handling and presenting these issues. This relationship was  positive in case of arabic Russia today. In cotrast, this relationship was negative in case of arabic BBC satellite channels.

