Media Coverage of the Corona virus Crisis in Egypt:

Document Type : Original Article


Media teacher at the National Center for Social and Criminal Research


The study aimed to reveal the experts' evaluation of the Egyptian media Coverage of the Corona virus Crisis, and the results of study reached to the confirmation of most experts that social media sites were the first influential communication actor in crisis management, followed by the Egyptian media, then the foreign and Arab media. The results also indicated that the Egyptian media succeeded in using most of the crisis communication strategies in this coverage, but to varying degrees. Most of the experts in the study sample confirmed that the Egyptian media's coverage of the crisis was somewhat successful, but the lowest percentage of experts who saw that the coverage was largely successful and the same percentage of experts confirmed that it was unsuccessful coverage, Inspite of that, the most of Experts agreed that the coverage was missing some elements as Clarity and immediacy in most of the Egyptian media, in addition to its Excessive use of Intimidation strategy, Which contributed to the widely spread of myths and rumors.
