Usage of Facebook and Twitter by Egyptian Female University Students

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Mass Communication and the head of Mass Communication Department at Damietta University, Egypt


In this study we can conclude that Egyptian Female students prefer using and spending more time on Facebook compared to Twitter. Moreover, Facebook was mainly used for for engaging in social and religious - related issues but seem to keep Twitter for all what relates to political-related matters.
            In addition, Egyptian female students whether in cities or in villages were found to use their real identities and share personal information on Facebook more than Twitter? This might raise a question if they are less inclined to do so on Twitter in fear of revealing their identity being that they their use of Twitter is mainly for political-related issues.
            Although, Egyptian female students find that SNS have more positive effects than negative effects, they find that they have some downsides such as affecting their relationships with their families negatively and causing them to have sleep or nutrition disorders. This could be explained by the ways they are addicted to such platforms. For instance, we find that physiological and psychological involvement was the main indicator of students' addiction to Facebook followed by other indicators.
