Effectiveness of a proposed electronic course on the Internet in the development of some of the radio writing skills of students of the Department of Educational Media at the Faculty of Specific Education

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher, Department of Educational Media. Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University.


Objectives of the study:
     This study aims to identify the effectiveness of a proposed electronic course on the Internet in the development of some of the radio writing skills of students of the Department of Educational Media through: -
1-      Design of a proposed electronic course for the writing material for radio on the Internet.
2-      To identify the effectiveness of the proposed electronic course on the Internet in developing the cognitive aspect of some of the radio  writing skills of the students at the Department of Educational Media in the Faculty of Specific Education.
3-      To identify the effectiveness of the proposed electronic course on the Internet in developing the performance aspect of some of the radio writing skills of the students at the Department of Educational Media in the Faculty of Specific Education.
Study Sample:
     The study was applied to a sample of second year students in the Department of Educational Media at the Faculty of Specific Education, Mansoura University, consisting of (60) male and female students in the second semester of the academic year (2018: 2019) , divided into two groups, one experimental(30) male and female students and control group (30) male and female students. The study was based on the design of Equivalent groups, experimental group, control group.
     This was a quasi-experimental study to determine the effectiveness of the electronic course.
Study tools:
1)      The achievement test.
2)      Test the measurement of the radio writing skills.
3)      Note card ( Performance Appreciation Card ).
