The Effect of Producing A Radio Program On Developing Some Etiquette Concepts For A Sample Of Pre-school Children.

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher of Information and Culture for Children - College of Early Childhood Education - Port Said University.



This study aimed to know the effect of producing a radio program on developing some concepts of etiquette for a sample of preschool children, and to determine the level of awareness for the children, the sample of the study, for the etiquette concepts before and after exposing to the proposed radio program,The study depended on a semi-experimental approach in designing,applying the study and measuring the impact of the radio program,The experimental study community represented in pre-school children from (5-6) years in TalaatHarb Experimental School in Port Said Governorate. The study sample consisted of (30) students, males and females,who were at the age (5-6) years of the second level KG2,The researcher made some interviews with a sample of the experts, academics and radio communicator for the child by (15) samples of both genders, to know their views and suggestions in this proposed program, and on the other hand to know their suggestions about the form and content provided for developing the children's radio programs in Egypt,The results proved the validity of the first hypothesis for study, which states that "there is a statistically significant difference between the average of the grades for pre-school children in the pre and post applications on developing the etiquette concepts in favor of the post application,The results of the interviews revealed the near agreement of the experts, academics and radio communicators for child - Sample Study –in the content of the material presented through the proposed radio program to the child (Salma’s Stories) to develop some concepts of etiquette and they based on the following views:-
- The language used in the program commensurate with the ability of children language and it was away from usingthe local dialect or slang only in the necessary situations and when necessary.
- To help the child to learn more skills and concepts of etiquette.
- The characters were simple, attractive and not complicated.
