The role of transparency in supporting the credibility of press institutions with the public:

Document Type : Original Article


Professor, Department of Journalism, Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University.


The main objective of the study is to identify the mechanisms for implementing and evaluating transparency that are available in the Egyptian press - a topic that has not been discussed before in the studies - and its impact on the credibility of the press and journalists with the Egyptian public opinion. The study examined how transparency mechanisms are implemented inside and outside press institutions, as well as the extent to which they use digital technology and new means of communication to integrate transparency, and the extent to which this affects their credibility with the public opinion. Many challenges were reported. Therefore, the importance of this study rely on its attempt to define the dimensions of transparency in the field of journalism and applying it to media institutions and considering it as a basic added value to professional norms and main  framework of the relationship between the press and the public opinion.
The results confirmed that if transparency mechanisms were available paper enjoy 100% full confidence on the part of readers who regularly follow them, and neglect significance ideological or intellectual differences. The results confirmed that transparency helps to create a distinct work environment and helps to achieve greatly,  in light of the clarity of the strategic vision, objectives, policies of reward and punishment, ease of communication with heads and colleagues, as well as producing an environment conducive to improving the image of the institution and strengthening its credibility and confidence in it, as well as communicating with the public opinion, interacting with it, listening and evaluating opinion and participation are within the framework of a two-way communication, not an obsessive one-sided.
In general, the results of the study confirmed that public opinion believes in the importance and necessity of transparency as a method that must be followed by different institutions, On the other hand, the process of spreading a culture of transparency in institutions is marred by many challenges that prevent it from being completed in a satisfactory manner, such as the lack of cooperation of management and senior leaders, control, ownership, legislation, weak infrastructure, professional qualification and resistance to change in institutions.
The results also showed the difference in the perceptions of both journalists and the public of the factors that impede transparency in the press, as journalists focused on factors related to the environment mainly, such as management, ownership, relationship with sources, weak professional qualification, institution capabilities, legislation, and ideological biases. The institution and work pressure, then administration, sources, legislation and ownership, and the two parties agreed on some factors, namely censorship, advertisements and sensitive topics and years of experience. The effect of ideological biases was more important for journalists, as well as the legislation that occupied an advanced position among the public.
