Evaluating the efficiency of practicing media literacy skills among students in educational media departments

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Cairo University


This research aims to identify the educational media departments' students' use of traditional and digital mass media; their level of critical consumption; personal skills levels of media literacy, the relationship between critical consumption and the level of personal skills in media literacy.
The researcher used survey method and combined the quantitative and qualitative study, and applied it to a quota sample of 360 students from the third and fourth classes in the educational media departments of the Faculties of Specific Education, Cairo University, Menoufia University and Minia University. In addition to a focus group discussion sample that included 8 respondents from teaching assistants and demonstrators who are responsible for field training at the Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Cairo University, and a sample of in-depth interviews that included 7 mentors, first mentors and general mentors in educational departments in Giza Governorate.
The study concluded with several results, such as: there is a statistically significant correlation between the use of newspaper, television, and social media sites and the level of critical consumption of these media, while there is no statistically significant relationship between the use of radio, electronic newspaper websites and critical consumption, thus proving the first hypothesis partially. Also, it was found that there is a statistically significant correlation between critical consumption and personal skills in media literacy, thus proving the validity of the fifth hypothesis.
