Kuwaiti Journalists Attitudes towards the Electronic Media Law as One of the Government Instruments

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of masscoumucation Department, Faculty of Arts - University of Kuwait

2 Assistant Professor, Department of masscoumucation, Faculty of Arts - University of Kuwait


This study aimed to measure the attitudes of Kuwaiti journalists toward the electronic media law. The descriptive approach was used to obtain the preliminary data from the sample of the study, which consisted of 237 individuals. The study concluded that 61.6% of the respondents read the articles of the new electronic media law, while 69.20% of the sample did not read the laws of the media of other countries; and 51.90% of the sample indicated that there were no differences between the laws of other countries and the Kuwaiti electronic law.
Results also showed that an average of 2.31 (average degree) indicated that the current electronic law restricts the freedom of journalists in the first place, while an average of 3.93 pointed to its positive effects in reducing sectarian and ethnic strife.
