The role of social media in the formation of the mental image towards the issue of Saudi women driving a car: A field study on a sample of women in the city of Jeddah during the year 1902

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, College of Communication and Media, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


This study aims to research the role of social media sites in shaping the mental image of Saudi women towards the issue of driving a car. The study used a questionnaire tool on a sample of the respondents from users of Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Social. The most important results of the study:
The impact of social media on the mental image of the respondents increases with the increase in their use of these sites.
The influence of social media on the mental image of the respondents increases with the increase in their interest in what these sites publish.
- The lack of influence of the role of social media in drawing the mental image towards women driving cars according to demographic variables.
